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Using Plug-ins


In HTML, plug-ins are third-party programs that add extra capabilities to your web browser. They are used to handle specific kinds of content that a browser may not be able to display on its own. Some common types of content that require plug-ins include video, audio, and interactive games.

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to use plug-ins in HTML to add multimedia content to your web pages.

What is a Plug-in?

A plug-in is a piece of software that adds extra functionality to another program. In the context of HTML, plug-ins can be used to add multimedia content that a browser may not be able to handle natively. Some common types of plug-ins include Adobe Flash Player, QuickTime, and Java Applets.

How to Use Plug-ins

To use a plug-in, you'll need to use the <object> or <embed> HTML tags. Both tags can be used to embed multimedia content in a web page. However, the <object> tag is more flexible and is recommended by the HTML specification.

Here's an example of how to use the <object> tag to embed a Flash movie in a web page:

<object data="movie.swf" width="400" height="300">

In this example, the data attribute is used to specify the URL of the Flash movie. The width and height attributes are used to set the size of the movie.

The <embed> tag is simpler to use, but it's not as flexible as the <object> tag. Here's an example of how to use the <embed> tag to embed a Flash movie in a web page:

<embed src="movie.swf" width="400" height="300">

In this example, the src attribute is used to specify the URL of the Flash movie. The width and height attributes are used to set the size of the movie.

Plug-in Detection

Before you embed multimedia content in a web page, you may want to check if the user's browser supports the required plug-in. You can do this using JavaScript.

Here's an example of how to detect if the user's browser supports Flash:

var hasFlash = false;
try {
hasFlash = Boolean(new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'));
} catch(exception) {
hasFlash = ('undefined' != typeof navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash']);

In this example, the ActiveXObject function is used to check if the browser supports Flash. If the function throws an exception, the navigator.mimeTypes property is used to check if Flash is supported.


Plug-ins can be a powerful tool for adding multimedia content to your web pages. However, they should be used sparingly, as they can slow down your web pages and may not be supported by all browsers. Always make sure to provide alternative content for users who don't have the required plug-ins.

In the next tutorial, we'll look at how to use HTML5 to add multimedia content to your web pages without the need for plug-ins. Stay tuned!