📄️ What is HTML
HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard markup language used in creating websites and web applications. It is the backbone of any website development process, used to create the structure and present content on the web in a formatted and visually appealing manner.
📄️ Brief History of HTML
HTML, an abbreviation for Hyper Text Markup Language, is a cornerstone technology used to create web pages. It forms the structure and layout of a web page, determining how a page will look and function. But where did HTML come from? Let's take a brief journey through the history of HTML.
📄️ Why HTML is Important
HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the standard language used to create web pages. It is a fundamental skill for any person working in web development or design, and is an essential part of the internet as we know it today.