📄️ HTML Doctype
HTML Doctype, or Document Type Definition (DTD), is an instruction that associates a particular SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) or XML (eXtensible Markup Language) document with a document type definition.
📄️ Character Encoding
Character Encoding is a crucial aspect of HTML that often gets overlooked. However, failure to properly implement character encoding in your HTML document can lead to unexpected issues such as your text not displaying correctly.
📄️ HTML Comments
HTML comments are an integral part of HTML coding best practices. They are used to explain your code and are especially useful when working on large projects or collaborating with other developers. This tutorial will guide you on how to effectively use HTML comments.
📄️ Optimizing Performance
Optimizing performance is a crucial aspect of HTML coding. It ensures your website loads fast, provides a smooth user experience, and ranks higher on search engine result pages. In this tutorial, we will learn several HTML best practices to optimize your website's performance.