📄️ Semantic Elements Overview
Semantic elements in HTML are those tags that provide information about the type of content they contain, beyond just how they should be styled or behave. They give meaningful context to the content, enhancing its usability and accessibility. Semantic elements include tags like `, , , `, and many others.
📄️ Header, Footer, and Main
HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a foundational tool for creating websites. Semantic elements in HTML provide meaning to the content they wrap, enhancing the overall understandability of your website structure. In this article, we will explore three crucial HTML semantic elements: the Header, Footer, and Main.
📄️ Article and Section
HTML Semantic Elements are a great way to make your code more understandable and accessible. Within these semantic elements, two of the most commonly used are article and section elements. These elements provide a way to structure your HTML documents more semantically and meaningfully.
📄️ Nav and Aside