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Kotlin Data Classes

In the world of software development, data classes are among the most powerful tools. They primarily hold data that is to be processed. Kotlin, a statically-typed language, is designed to interoperate fully with Java and the JVM version of its standard library. It offers a special kind of class called a data class for dealing with data encapsulation.

In this tutorial, we will delve deep into Kotlin data classes. We will explore their structure, how to declare them, their uses, and the benefits they bring to Kotlin programming.

What are Data Classes?

Data classes in Kotlin are classes that are used to hold data/state and do not contain any additional functionality. In other words, they do not contain any methods (except the necessary ones like toString(), equals(), etc., which we will discuss later).

They are an effective way to reduce the amount of code you need to write for classes that just contain data. They automatically generate standard functionality and utility functions that would be tedious to create yourself.

Declaring a Data Class

Declaring a data class in Kotlin is simple. It is done by marking the class with the data keyword. Here is an example:

data class Employee(val name: String, val id: Int)

In the above code, Employee is a data class with two properties - name and id.

Benefits of Data Classes

There are several benefits of using data classes in Kotlin:

  1. Conciseness: The primary benefit of using data classes in Kotlin is that they reduce the amount of boilerplate code you have to write.

  2. Default methods: Kotlin automatically derives the following functions for data classes:

    • equals() / hashCode(): Compares the data of the objects, not their identities.
    • toString(): Prints out the class properties in a nice format.
    • componentN() functions: These are generated for all properties in the order they are declared.
    • copy(): Creates a copy of an object with the option to modify some properties.
  3. Destructuring Declarations: Data classes can be destructured into variables. For example:

val john = Employee("John Doe", 123)
val (name, id) = john
println("$name, $id") // Prints "John Doe, 123"

Restrictions on Data Classes

While data classes provide many benefits, there are certain restrictions:

  1. The primary constructor needs to have at least one parameter.
  2. All primary constructor parameters need to be marked as val or var.
  3. Data classes cannot be abstract, open, sealed, or inner.


In this tutorial, we've explored data classes in Kotlin. We've seen how to declare them, their benefits, as well as some restrictions on their use. They are a very powerful tool in Kotlin, reducing the amount of boilerplate code and automatically generating useful methods.

We hope this tutorial has helped you understand Kotlin data classes better. Keep practicing and experimenting with them to understand their benefits and use them effectively in your code.

Happy Coding!