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Kotlin Abstract Classes

In Kotlin, like in other object-oriented programming languages, an abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated (meaning, you cannot create objects of an abstract class). Instead, it is designed to be subclassed by other classes.

Abstract classes are typically used to provide a base level of functionality that other classes can build upon.

Before we dive into the details, let's understand what the term "abstract" means in the context of programming. The term "abstract" is used for entities which are incomplete and can only be used if they are made complete.

Declaring an Abstract Class

In Kotlin, you declare an abstract class using the abstract keyword. Here is an example:

abstract class Animal {
abstract fun sound()

In the above code, Animal is an abstract class with an abstract function sound(). Note that abstract functions in an abstract class are always open for overriding and they do not have a body. They are declared and defined in the class that inherits the abstract class.

Instantiate an Abstract Class

Remember, an abstract class cannot be instantiated. That means you cannot create an object of an abstract class. If you try to do so, the compiler will throw an error.

val animal = Animal()  // Error: Cannot create an instance of an abstract class

Abstract Class Inheritance

An abstract class is open for inheritance by default. So, you do not need to use the open keyword with the abstract class or its members. The subclasses of an abstract class that are not abstract must provide a definition for the abstract members of the superclass.

Here is an example:

abstract class Animal {
abstract fun sound()

class Dog : Animal() {
override fun sound() {
println("The dog barks")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val myDog: Animal = Dog()
myDog.sound() // prints "The dog barks"

In the above example, the abstract class Animal has an abstract function sound(). The Dog class inherits the Animal class and provides a definition for the sound() function.

Non-Abstract Members

An abstract class can contain non-abstract members (properties or functions) as well. The non-abstract members of an abstract class are open by default, but you can restrict them from being overridden in the subclass by using the final keyword.

Here is an example:

abstract class Animal {
abstract fun sound()

fun eat() {
println("The animal eats")

class Dog : Animal() {
override fun sound() {
println("The dog barks")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val myDog: Animal = Dog()
myDog.sound() // prints "The dog barks" // prints "The animal eats"

In the code above, the Animal class has a non-abstract function eat(). The Dog class can use the eat() function directly because it is inherited from the Animal class.


In this guide, we have learned about abstract classes in Kotlin, how to declare them, why we cannot instantiate them, how they support inheritance, and how they can contain non-abstract members. Remember, abstract classes are crucial building blocks for creating large, scalable systems. They allow you to define common behavior and interfaces at a high level, and then fill in the details with concrete classes as needed.