📄️ Kotlin Coroutines
In the world of Kotlin, Coroutines are king. They are lightweight threads that allow for efficient and non-blocking asynchronous programming. Coroutines are an elegant way of handling long-running tasks that might otherwise block the main thread and cause your application to freeze. In this tutorial, we will cover what Coroutines are, how to use them, and why they are beneficial for your Kotlin development.
📄️ Delegation in Kotlin
Delegation is a powerful concept that's widely used in Kotlin. It's a software design pattern that allows functionality to be transparently delegated from one object to another. In layman's terms, it's a way of saying, "I can't handle this task myself, but I know someone who can." Kotlin provides some nice features that make it easy to use delegation in your programs.
📄️ Generics in Kotlin
Generics are a powerful feature in many programming languages, including Kotlin. They allow you to write code that is flexible and reusable by defining algorithms in terms of types to-be-specified-later. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the concept of Generics in Kotlin, and how you can use them to make your Kotlin code more efficient and robust.
📄️ Annotations in Kotlin
📄️ DSL Building with Kotlin
Domain Specific Languages (DSL) are specially designed languages that are limited to a specific domain or area of interest. Kotlin, with its concise syntax and powerful language features, is an excellent language for creating DSLs. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of DSLs, and learn how to build them using Kotlin.