📄️ Understanding Threads
C# is a versatile programming language that offers an array of features, one of which is multithreading. This article will provide an introductory look into threads, a core component of multithreading. We'll delve into what threads are, how they're used in C#, and the basics of managing them.
📄️ Creating Threads
Before we dive into creating threads in C#, let's first understand what multithreading is and why it's important. Multithreading is a technique that allows a program to execute multiple tasks concurrently. This is particularly useful in creating high-performance applications. In C#, the System.Threading namespace provides classes for creating and managing threads.
📄️ Thread Synchronization
Thread synchronization is a strategy used to ensure that two or more concurrent threads of execution do not simultaneously execute some particular program segment, often referred to as critical section. In C#, synchronization is important because it allows you to control and coordinate the execution of multiple threads, preventing race conditions and other unexpected behaviors.
📄️ Thread Pooling
In this article, we shall explore the concept of 'Thread Pooling' in C#. It is an important part of the C# Multithreading section that helps to improve the performance of your applications.