📄️ Understanding Inheritance
In the world of object-oriented programming, inheritance allows us to define a class based on another class. This facilitates code reusability and makes your program more modular. In this article, we will delve into the concept of inheritance in C#, and explore its many facets.
📄️ Creating a Subclass
C# is an object-oriented programming language, and one of the fundamental elements of object-oriented programming is inheritance. Inheritance allows one class (the subclass) to inherit the members of another class (the superclass). In this tutorial, we'll delve into the process of creating a subclass in C#.
📄️ Understanding Polymorphism
Polymorphism is one of the key concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). It allows us to treat objects of a derived class as objects of its base class. This provides a lot of flexibility and power, particularly when combined with other OOP concepts like inheritance and encapsulation. In C#, there are two types of polymorphism: static polymorphism and dynamic polymorphism.
📄️ Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Introduction to Abstract Classes and Interfaces in C