📄️ What are Functions
In C#, functions are fundamental building blocks of a program. They are self-contained chunks of code that perform a specific task. Functions help in reducing code redundancy, improve readability and make a program more organized.
📄️ Declaring Functions
Functions are a critical component of any programming language, and C# is no exception. They allow you to write a block of code once and then reuse it whenever you need it in your program. This not only makes your code more efficient but also easier to read and maintain. In this article, we will learn how to declare functions in C#.
📄️ Calling Functions
C# is a versatile, robust, and modern programming language. One of the critical concepts in C# is the use of functions. Functions are blocks of code that carry out specific tasks. In this article, we will focus on how to call functions in C#.
📄️ Function Parameters
In C#, a function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task. Functions make our program modular and efficient. One of the key aspects of functions is the use of parameters. In this tutorial, we will explore what function parameters are, their types, and how to use them in C#.
📄️ Return Values
In the world of programming, functions are an extremely useful tool. They allow us to group together a set of instructions that perform a specific task. In C#, functions can also return values. This means that they can perform a task, and then give back a result that can be used elsewhere in your code.