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Spider Middleware

Spider Middleware in Scrapy

Spider Middleware is an integral part of Scrapy that manages the requests and items processed by the spiders. It is a set of hooks that Scrapy uses to process requests, responses, and items. This article will introduce you to Spider Middleware, its uses, and how to create your own middleware in Scrapy.

What is Spider Middleware?

In simple terms, Spider Middleware is a system of hooks into Scrapy's spider processing mechanism. It allows you to plug in custom functionality or extend existing functionality. These hooks can intercept and process the requests sent to spiders (input), the responses coming back (output), and the items being scraped.

How Spider Middleware Works?

When a request is sent to a spider, it doesn't go directly. Instead, it first passes through various middleware (from higher to lower priority). Each middleware is a checkpoint where you can inspect the request or even alter it. Similarly, the responses and items coming out from the spider also pass through the middleware (from lower to higher priority).

Common Uses of Spider Middleware

Spider Middleware can be used for a wide range of tasks, such as:

  • Filtering out duplicate requests.
  • Altering requests (like setting new headers, changing URL, etc.) before they are sent to spiders.
  • Altering responses before they are processed by spiders.
  • Dropping certain items based on some conditions.

Creating Your Own Spider Middleware

To create your own Spider Middleware, you need to create a class and define any or all of the following methods:

  • process_spider_input(response, spider): This method is called for each response that the spider receives. The response can be processed (for example, you can modify it) and must either return None or raise a IgnoreRequest exception.

  • process_spider_output(response, result, spider): This method is called with the results returned from the Spider, after it has processed the response. The result can be processed (for example, you can filter or modify it) and must return an iterable of Request and/or dict or Item objects.

  • process_spider_exception(response, exception, spider): This method is called when a spider or process_spider_input() method (from other spider middleware) raises an exception.

Here is a simple example of a Spider Middleware:

class MySpiderMiddleware:
def process_spider_input(self, response, spider):
return None # Do nothing with the input

def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider):
for item in result:
if isinstance(item, dict): # If item is a dict
item['new_field'] = 'new_value' # Add a new field to item
return result # Return the modified result

def process_spider_exception(self, response, exception, spider):
pass # Do nothing with the exception

Activating Spider Middleware

Once you have created your Spider Middleware, you need to add it to your Scrapy project settings. You do this by adding a dictionary to the SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES setting, where the key is the middleware path and the value is the middleware's order.

'myproject.middlewares.MySpiderMiddleware': 500,

The order value is used to determine the order in which middleware are applied. Lower values have higher priority.


Spider Middleware is a powerful feature of Scrapy that allows you to customize and extend the functionality of your spiders. By understanding and using middleware, you can make your web scraping projects more flexible and efficient.