📄️ Overview of Scrapy Architecture
Scrapy is a robust, open-source web crawling framework written in Python. It allows users to write programs (known as spiders) to scrape and parse data from the web and organize it in a structured format like CSV, XML, or JSON.
📄️ Scrapy Engine
Understanding the Scrapy Engine
📄️ Scheduler
Scrapy is a robust and efficient web scraping framework written in Python. One of the key components of Scrapy's architecture is the Scheduler. The Scheduler is responsible for controlling the order in which requests are processed. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Scheduler's role, how it works, and how it can be customized.
📄️ Downloader
Downloader is an integral part of Scrapy's architecture. It's responsible for fetching web pages and delivering them to the Scrapy engine, which then sends them to spiders for parsing and extracting data. It's also where middleware like robots.txt and HTTP caching come into play.
📄️ Spiders
In the Scrapy framework, Spiders are the core component where you define the custom behaviour for crawling and parsing pages. They are classes that you define and that Scrapy uses to scrape information from a website (or a group of websites).
📄️ Item Pipeline
Scrapy's Item Pipeline is a sequence of processing modules that handle and process the items (data) scraped from web pages. These pipelines perform various tasks, from validation and cleansing to persistent storage of data.