📄️ Preparing your Nextjs app for deployment
Next.js is an open-source development framework built on top of Node.js that allows for server-side rendering and generating static websites for React based web applications. It's a great tool for building highly scalable, high performance, and SEO friendly web applications.
📄️ Deploying your Nextjs app to Vercel
In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of deploying your Next.js application to Vercel, a popular hosting platform built especially for frontend developers. Vercel is a reliable and user-friendly service that offers a seamless experience when working with Next.js projects.
📄️ Deploying your Nextjs app to other platforms
In this tutorial, we'll cover how to deploy a Next.js application to various platforms. Next.js is a powerful React framework that has built-in server-side rendering and generates static websites. It's perfect for creating highly performant, SEO-friendly web applications.