📄️ Performance optimization
One of the main reasons why developers choose Next.js is for its excellent performance. However, there are also ways to optimize your Next.js application for even better performance. This article will guide you through best practices and tips on how to achieve this.
📄️ Security measures
Next.js, a popular React framework, makes it easy to build fast, user-friendly applications. Like any application, security is of paramount importance. In this tutorial, we will discuss some best practices for securing your Next.js applications. This will include measures like data validation, using HTTPS, protecting against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
📄️ Maintainable code structure
In the journey of learning Next.js, an important aspect to consider is maintaining a clean and maintainable code structure. This article will guide you through the best practices to achieve a maintainable code structure in Next.js.