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Kotlin Variables and Data Types

In this article, we will be exploring the fundamental concepts of Kotlin programming language: variables and data types. Kotlin is a statically typed language, which means that the type of variables should be known at compile-time. This is a crucial concept to understand as we delve into the depth of Kotlin programming.

Variables in Kotlin

Variables are like containers that store values. These values can be of different types such as integer, string, boolean, etc. In Kotlin, we declare variables using var and val keywords.

Mutable Variables

To declare a mutable variable, we use the var keyword. Mutable means the value of the variable can be changed.

var name = "John Doe"

Here, name is a variable of type String. We can change the value of name later in the code.

name = "Jane Doe"

Immutable Variables

To declare an immutable variable, we use the val keyword. Immutable means the value of the variable cannot be changed once assigned.

val name = "John Doe"

Here, name is an immutable variable of type String. If we try to change its value later in the code, it will result in a compile-time error.

name = "Jane Doe" // Error: Val cannot be reassigned

Kotlin Data Types

Data types define the type and the operations that can be done on the data. Kotlin has several built-in data types for numbers, characters, booleans, and arrays.

Number Data Types

Kotlin has several types of numbers: Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, and Double.

val byte: Byte = 127
val short: Short = 32767
val int: Int = 2147483647
val long: Long = 9223372036854775807
val float: Float = 3.14F
val double: Double = 3.141592653589793

Character Data Type

Character in Kotlin is declared using Char keyword. They cannot be treated as numbers directly.

val letter: Char = 'A'

Boolean Data Type

Boolean in Kotlin is declared using Boolean keyword. It can be either true or false.

val isTrue: Boolean = true

String Data Type

String in Kotlin is declared using String keyword. Strings are immutable sequence of characters.

val text: String = "Hello, World!"


Understanding variables and data types is crucial in any programming language and Kotlin is no exception. In this article, we learned about mutable, immutable variables, and different data types in Kotlin. This is just the tip of the iceberg. As you delve deeper into the language, you will discover more complex data types and concepts. Happy coding!