📄️ What is Exception Handling
Exception handling is a critical component of Java programming. It is a mechanism to handle runtime errors, allowing the normal flow of the program to continue. To understand exception handling, it's essential to know what an exception is.
📄️ Try-Catch Block in Java
In Java, error handling is an essential part of writing robust and error-free code. Java offers a powerful mechanism, called Exception Handling, to deal with these errors and exceptions. One of the core components of this mechanism is the Try-Catch block. In this tutorial, we will dive deep into understanding what the Try-Catch block is, how it works, and how to use it effectively in our Java programs.
📄️ Java Finally Block
Java provides several mechanisms to handle exceptions and errors, and one of them is the finally block. The finally block is a key tool in error handling, as it provides a way to execute code, irrespective of whether an exception is thrown or not. This tutorial will cover the basics of the finally block, how to use it, and why it is important.
📄️ Java Throw and Throws Keyword
In Java programming, there are situations where we might come across unexpected events such as a file not found, a network connection lost, invalid data entered by the user, etc. These events are known as exceptions. Java provides a robust and object-oriented way to handle these exceptions known as 'Java Exception Handling'. In this article, we will focus on two essential keywords, 'throw' and 'throws', used in exception handling.