📄️ Introduction to JDBC
What is JDBC?
📄️ JDBC Drivers
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an API (Application Programming Interface) used to connect Java applications with a wide range of databases. JDBC helps to execute SQL statements and retrieve results in a Java application.
📄️ JDBC Connection
Introduction to JDBC Connection
📄️ JDBC Statement
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Statement is a fundamental concept in Java that allows us to interact with databases and perform CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations. The java.sql.Statement interface provides methods to execute queries with the database. The statement object is used to send SQL commands to the database and retrieve the results.
📄️ JDBC ResultSet
Introduction to JDBC ResultSet
📄️ JDBC PreparedStatement
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a technology that enables interaction between Java applications and a wide range of databases. One of the key components of JDBC is the PreparedStatement interface, which enhances the functionality of the Statement interface by providing a more flexible and efficient way to execute SQL queries. This tutorial will give you a comprehensive understanding of PreparedStatement in Java.
📄️ JDBC CallableStatement
In Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), CallableStatement is an interface that's used to execute SQL stored procedures. Stored procedures are groupings of SQL statements that perform a specific task. Using the CallableStatement interface, we can call and execute these stored procedures.