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Structs in Go

Go programming language provides a data type called struct which allows us to group/combine items of possibly different types into a single type. It's a composite data type, which is used to group together zero or more values of any type, represented by fields. It's a way to create more complex data types that can be used to describe larger pieces of data or concepts.

Defining a Struct

You can create a struct type using the type and struct keywords. Here's an example of a struct type that stores information about a person:

type Person struct {
Name string
Age int

In the above code, we have defined a Person struct with two fields, Name of type string and Age of type int.

Creating Struct Instances

You can create instances of the struct using the struct literal syntax:

p := Person{"Bob", 20}

In this example, p is an instance of Person. We've initialized it with the name "Bob" and age 20.

Accessing Struct Fields

You can access the fields in a struct using a dot (.):

fmt.Println(p.Name) // Outputs: Bob

Pointers to Structs

Structs can be pointed to with pointers. The pointer's type is the type of the struct it points to. For example:

p := &Person{"Alice", 30}

In this case, p is a pointer to a Person struct. You can access fields in a struct that a pointer points to in the same way you would if it wasn't a pointer:

fmt.Println(p.Age) // Outputs: 30

Go automatically dereferences the pointer.

Nested Structs

Structs can also be nested. This means a struct can contain fields that are structs themselves. For example:

type Employee struct {
Position string

e := Employee{Person{"Bob", 20}, "Developer"}

In this case, Employee is a struct that has a Person struct as a field, and a Position field of type string.

Anonymous Structs

Go also supports anonymous structs, which can be useful when you want to create a one-off struct that won’t be reused elsewhere. Here's an example:

point := struct {
X, Y int
}{10, 20}

fmt.Println(point) // Outputs: {10 20}

In this case, we've created an anonymous struct with fields X and Y, and we've initialized it with the values 10 and 20.

In conclusion, structs in Go provide a powerful way to group and organize related pieces of data. They form the basis for creating complex data types and modeling real-world entities.