📄️ Introduction to Concurrency
Golang, or Go, is a powerful programming language developed by Google that places a strong emphasis on simplicity and productivity. One of the most notable features of Go is its support for concurrency, a property that allows multiple tasks to run independently of each other. In this article, we will explore this concept in depth, starting with the basics and working our way up to more complex topics.
📄️ Goroutines in Go
In this tutorial, we are going to discuss Goroutines, a unique feature of the Go programming language that enables easy and efficient handling of concurrent activities. Concurrency in Go is achieved using Goroutines and Channels. However, we will focus solely on Goroutines in this article.
📄️ Channels in Go
In this tutorial, we are going to delve into a very important aspect of Go programming called Channels. Channels are a powerful feature in Go that allow us to manage and control the communication between different parts of our application in a concurrent environment.