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Form Controls and Form Groups

In Angular, Forms are mainly used to handle user inputs. They are a crucial part of any web application and can be implemented using either template-driven or reactive forms model. In this tutorial, we will focus more on Reactive Forms and keenly delve into 'Form Controls' and 'Form Groups'.

What are Form Controls and Form Groups?

In Angular's Reactive Forms, a FormControl represents a single form control, like an input field. It allows you to track the value and the validation status of the individual input field.

On the other hand, a FormGroup is a collection of FormControl instances. It aggregates the values of each child FormControl into one object, with each control name as the key. It calculates its status by reducing the status values of its child controls.

Creating Form Controls

To create a FormControl, you need to import FormControl from @angular/forms and then instantiate a new FormControl.

import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms';

name = new FormControl('');

In the above example, an instance of FormControl is created. This instance is associated with an HTML input field in the component's template.

Setting and Updating Form Control Values

The FormControl class has handy methods that allow you to update, retrieve or reset the value of the form control.

  • setValue(): This method allows you to set a new value for the form control.
name.setValue('John Doe');
  • patchValue(): This method is used to update the value of the form control.
  • reset(): This method resets the value of the form control to an initial state.

Creating Form Groups

As earlier stated, FormGroup is a group of form controls. We create a FormGroup by instantiating a new FormGroup object and passing in an object of form controls.

import { FormGroup, FormControl } from '@angular/forms';

profileForm = new FormGroup({
firstName: new FormControl(''),
lastName: new FormControl(''),

In the above example, a new FormGroup instance is created with two form controls.

Accessing Form Group Values

To access the values of the controls in the form group, you use the value property of the FormGroup instance.



In conclusion, the powerful FormControl and FormGroup classes provide a way to define form controls and groups, set and update their values, and check their validation status. These form classes are fundamental in implementing reactive forms in Angular. They offer a more flexible, scalable, and reusable way of creating forms, as compared to the template-driven approach.

In the next tutorial, we will dig deeper into more advanced features of Angular Reactive Forms, including form builders and form arrays. Stay tuned!