📄️ Understanding Modules
Angular is a platform that empowers developers to build applications for the web, mobile, and desktop. At the heart of Angular are its modules, which play a crucial role in structuring your Angular application. In this article, we'll dive deep into the concept of modules in Angular. This is not just a beginner's guide, but also a comprehensive article that covers all aspects of Angular modules.
📄️ Components and Templates
In the world of Angular, components and templates hold a significant place. They are integral parts of Angular's architecture and are essential for building dynamic and interactive web applications. This tutorial will delve into the details of components and templates, taking a beginner-friendly approach to make you understand their importance, how they work, and how to use them effectively.
📄️ Data Binding
To better understand how Angular works, it's crucial to dive into one of its most important concepts - Data Binding. Data binding is a process that allows an internet user to manipulate web page elements using a web browser. It involves the synchronization of data between the model (or customer logic) and the view.
📄️ Services and Dependency Injection
In Angular applications, components form the backbone of your application. They control how your application behaves and presents data to the user. However, components can't do it all alone. They often require the help of services to accomplish tasks such as fetching data from a server, logging, and user input validation. In this tutorial, we will explore services and dependency injection in Angular, two concepts that work hand in hand to modularize and organize your code.
📄️ Routing and Navigation
In Angular, routing is a critical element of any application’s architecture. It enables users to move from one view to another as they perform tasks. This tutorial will focus on providing a clear understanding of how Angular routing and navigation works, by covering the basic concepts, configuration, and methods.