📄️ Understanding Strict Mode
Understanding TypeScript's strict mode is crucial when you're trying to write robust and clean code. This article aims to explain what strict mode is, why you should use it, the features it provides, and some common errors you might encounter.
📄️ Using Type Guards
TypeScript introduces a concept called 'Type Guards', a powerful way to narrow down the type of an object within a conditional block. This is particularly useful when dealing with union types where the type could be one of several options.
📄️ Optimizing Your Typescript Code
In the journey of learning TypeScript, it's important to not just know how to write code, but to write efficient and optimized code. This will not only improve the performance of your applications but also make your code easier to read, maintain and debug. This tutorial will guide you through some best practices and strategies to optimize your TypeScript code.
📄️ Best Practices for Typescript Development