📄️ R in Data Science
Data Science has emerged as a significant field in this age of data. It involves a blend of various tools, algorithms, and machine learning principles to extract patterns from raw data. R, a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, has become a popular tool in the data science world. This article will introduce you to the role of R in data science, its advantages, how to use it for data analysis, and more.
📄️ R in Machine Learning
R is a powerful language commonly used in the field of data analysis and machine learning. This tutorial will delve into the application of R in machine learning, guiding you through the essential concepts and methods to help you understand and implement machine learning algorithms using R.
📄️ R in Statistical Analysis
R is a powerful and flexible statistical software that can help you analyze and understand data. It provides a wide range of statistical techniques including linear and non-linear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, etc. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a clear understanding of using R in statistical analysis.