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Change Streams

Change Streams in MongoDB are a powerful feature that allows you to track real-time changes to your MongoDB data. This can be extremely useful for applications that require immediate action in response to database changes.

Understanding Change Streams

Change Streams allow applications to access real-time data changes without the complexity and risk of tailing the oplog. Applications can use change streams to subscribe to all data changes on a single collection, a database, or an entire deployment, and immediately react to them. This is made possible by the use of the $changeStream pipeline stage.

How Change Streams Work

A change stream is a real-time stream of data changes in MongoDB, returned in the order that they occur. Change streams use the aggregation framework and return changes in the same order they occur in the oplog. The changes will include the _id field, operationType, and fullDocument fields, among others.

Creating a Change Stream

To create a change stream, use the watch() method on a Collection, DB, or MongoClient. Here's an example:

const changeStream =;

The watch() method takes two optional parameters: an array of aggregation pipeline stages and options.

Responding to Changes

You can use the next() function to handle the change events. Below is an example:, change) {

This will print the change event document to the console.

Operation Types

The operationType field in the change event document specifies the type of operation that caused the event. Here are the possible operation types:

  • insert: A document was inserted into the collection.
  • update: A document in the collection was updated.
  • replace: A document in the collection was replaced.
  • delete: A document in the collection was deleted.
  • invalidate: The change stream was invalidated, perhaps due to the collection being dropped.

Full Document

For insert, update, and replace operations, you can include the fullDocument option to get the entire document in the change event. Here's how you can do this:

const changeStream =[], { fullDocument: 'updateLookup' });

For update events, this will look up the most current majority-committed version of the updated document.

Closing a Change Stream

To close a change stream, use the close() method:

changeStream.close(function(error) {
console.log('Change Stream is closed');

This will stop watching for changes.


Change Streams are a powerful feature of MongoDB that allows you to watch for changes in your data in real-time. This feature can be extremely useful for applications that require immediate action in response to database changes.

Remember, while using change streams, make sure your MongoDB deployment is a replica set. Change streams are not available on standalone deployments. Also, always close the change stream when you're done using it to prevent memory leaks.

With a good understanding of how to use and manage change streams, you're now well-equipped to create more responsive apps that react to changes in your MongoDB data in real-time. Happy Coding!