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Scope of Variables

Understanding Scope of Variables in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the scope of a variable refers to the region within the code where a variable can be accessed. Understanding how variable scoping works in JavaScript is crucial to write effective code and avoid potential bugs. In this tutorial, we will discuss the two types of scope in JavaScript: Global Scope and Local Scope.

Global Scope

A variable that is declared outside a function or a block is known as a global variable. This variable is accessible from any part of the code, making its scope global. Here is an example:

let myGlobalVar = "Hello, World!";

function greeting() {

greeting(); // Outputs: "Hello, World!"

In the above example, myGlobalVar is a global variable, accessible within the greeting function.

Local Scope

A variable that is declared inside a function or a block is known as a local variable. This variable is only accessible within the function or the block it is declared in, making its scope local. Here is an example:

function greeting() {
let myLocalVar = "Hello, World!";

greeting(); // Outputs: "Hello, World!"
console.log(myLocalVar); // Error: myLocalVar is not defined

In the above example, myLocalVar is a local variable, accessible only within the greeting function.

Block Scope and Function Scope

JavaScript has two types of local scope: Block Scope and Function Scope. Variables declared with var keyword have Function Scope and variables declared with let and const keywords have Block Scope.

A variable is function scoped when it is only available within the function it was declared. On the other hand, a variable is block scoped when it is only available within the block {} it was declared.

// Function Scope
function testFunction() {
var functionScoped = "I'm function scoped";
console.log(functionScoped); // Outputs: "I'm function scoped"
console.log(functionScoped); // Error: functionScoped is not defined

// Block Scope
let blockScoped = "I'm block scoped";
console.log(blockScoped); // Outputs: "I'm block scoped"
console.log(blockScoped); // Error: blockScoped is not defined


Understanding the scope of variables in JavaScript is very important. Global variables can be accessed from any part of your code, while local variables are only accessible within the function or block they were declared. Furthermore, the scope of a variable can also be defined by the keyword used to declare it: var for function scope and let or const for block scope.

Ultimately, the choice of which type of variable to use depends on the specific requirements of your code. However, it's generally a good practice to limit the scope of your variables as much as possible to prevent unintended side effects.