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Pushing Changes to a Remote Repository

In this tutorial, we will focus on how to push changes to a remote repository using Git. This process is essential when collaborating with others or when working across different machines. By the end of this tutorial, you will be comfortable with git push and understand how to use it effectively.

Understanding Git Push

The git push command is used to upload local repository content to a remote repository. When you push changes, you're effectively syncing your local repository with the remote repository.

Basic Git Push

The most common use of git push is to upload changes from your local repository to the repository you cloned from. The basic syntax is:

git push <remote> <branch>

Here <remote> is the name of the remote repository (usually origin) and <branch> is the name of the branch where you want to push the changes.

For example, if you want to push your changes to the master branch of the origin remote, you'd use:

git push origin master

Pushing a New Branch

When you create a new branch and want to push it to the remote repository, you do it like this:

git push -u origin <branch>

Here, -u stands for --set-upstream. This option links the local branch with the remote branch so that in the future, you can simply use git push or git pull without specifying the branch.

Dealing with Rejected Pushes

Sometimes your push might get rejected because there have been changes in the remote repository that you don't have in your local repository. In such cases, you need to first pull the changes using git pull, resolve any conflicts if they exist, and then push again.

Deleting a Remote Branch

You can also delete a remote branch using the git push command:

git push origin --delete <branch>

This command will delete <branch> from the origin remote repository.


The git push command is a powerful tool for syncing your local repository with a remote one. But remember, before you push, always make sure your local repo is up to date with the latest changes from the remote repo to avoid conflicts.

Keep practicing, and you'll become proficient with git push in no time. Happy coding!