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Introduction to OAuth2

OAuth2 is a protocol that allows us to grant limited access to user data on a web service. It's widely used to authorize websites and applications to access your data without getting your password.

OAuth2 in the context of FastAPI

FastAPI has built-in support for OAuth2, which means you can leverage its powerful features and security measures with ease. OAuth2 is a complex protocol, but FastAPI abstracts away the complexities so you can focus on implementing your application's logic.

OAuth2 Workflow

OAuth2 follows a certain workflow, which can be sum up as:

  1. The client (your application) asks the user (resource owner) for permission to access their data.
  2. The user gives permission and receives an authorization code.
  3. The client sends this authorization code back to the server, along with its own client ID and secret.
  4. If everything checks out, the server sends an access token back to the client.
  5. The client can now use this access token to access the user's data.

Implementing OAuth2 with FastAPI

Let's see how we can implement OAuth2 with FastAPI.

First, we need to import some necessary modules and create an instance of OAuth2PasswordBearer:

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from import OAuth2PasswordBearer

app = FastAPI()

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

In the code above, tokenUrl="token" means that the client will send the username and password to a specific URL that we'll define later.

Next, we'll define a simple function to verify the token:

def fake_decode_token(token: str):
return {"sub": "user"}

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
user = fake_decode_token(token)
if not user:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
return user

In a real application, you would replace fake_decode_token with a function that actually verifies the token, such as checking it against a database.

Lastly, let's define an endpoint that requires authentication:

async def read_users_me(current_user: str = Depends(get_current_user)):
return {"user": current_user}

In the code above, Depends(get_current_user) means that FastAPI will call the get_current_user function, which will check for a valid token.


In this article, we've learned about OAuth2 and how we can implement it in FastAPI. Keep in mind that this is a simplified example and real-world applications will require more robust solutions. However, the core concepts remain the same and FastAPI provides a solid foundation for implementing them.

Please note that this is a simplified introduction to OAuth2 in FastAPI, and you may need to consider more complex scenarios and configurations in a real-world application. Happy coding!