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Flow Control in C: Looping Statements

Introduction to Flow Control in C: Looping Statements

Flow control in programming refers to the order in which the code in a program is executed. It is essential to control the flow of execution to ensure that the program provides the desired output. One of the most important flow control mechanisms is looping.

Looping statements in C programming language are used to perform repetitive tasks. They are an extremely useful tool in programming because they allow us to execute a sequence of code multiple times. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to the use of looping statements in C programming.

Types of Loops

There are three types of loops in C:

  1. For Loop
  2. While Loop
  3. Do-While Loop

Let's delve deeper into each of these loops.

For Loop

The 'for' loop is used when we know in advance how many times the loop needs to be executed. The syntax for a 'for' loop is as follows:

for(initialization; condition; increment/decrement) {
// statements to be executed

Here's a simple example of a 'for' loop in action:

int main() {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;

This program prints the numbers 0 through 4. The loop is executed 5 times, and each time 'i' is incremented by 1.

While Loop

The 'while' loop is used when we are unsure about the number of times the loop needs to be executed. It continues execution as long as the given condition is true.

The syntax for a 'while' loop is as follows:

while(condition) {
// statements to be executed

Here's an example:

int main() {
int i = 0;
while(i < 5) {
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;

This program will print the numbers 0 through 4, just like the previous example.

Do-While Loop

The 'do-while' loop is similar to the 'while' loop. The only difference is that the 'do-while' loop checks the condition after the loop has been executed, ensuring that the loop block is executed at least once.

The syntax for a 'do-while' loop is as follows:

do {
// statements to be executed
} while(condition);

Here's an example:

int main() {
int i = 0;
do {
printf("%d\n", i);
} while(i < 5);
return 0;

This program, like the previous examples, will print the numbers 0 through 4.


Looping statements are an essential part of C programming. They allow us to control the flow of execution and perform repetitive tasks efficiently. Understanding and implementing these loops correctly is a key aspect of becoming proficient in C programming. Practice using these loops and try to create programs that incorporate them to solidify your understanding. Happy coding!